When: 15 & 16 February 2021, 9:00am - 12:30pm (ACDT)Where: Day 1 - Online via Zoom, Day 2 - Hybrid delivery (face-to-face option for South Australia)Cost: Free
This virtual workshop is split over 2-parts
Do you have an idea that you believe will transform health care? If so, this program is for you!
With the support of REDI, powered by MTPConnect, and Future Industries eXchange for Entrepreneurship (FIXE), ANDHealth and Planet Innovation are delivering this BRIGHT IDEATE in Digital Health seminar.
Designed for early-stage digital health innovators who are ideating or developing their prototype, this program will guide you to:
Part 1: Learn the award winning BRIGHT framework and challenge your problem solving and leadership skills through interactive and practical exercises.
Part 2: Hear from 6 guest speakers as they discuss key digital health commercialisation topics: User Centred Design in Digital Health, Claims and Assumptions, Regulatory Pathways, Defensible Intellectual Property and Business Models.
The seminar will be held as a hybrid model and part 2 is offered for both physical and virtual attendance in South Australia. Applications close on Wednesday 10th February 2021 and priority will be given to South Australian companies.