February 21 2019 | ANDHealth Digital Health Summit

February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019

ANDHealth Digital Health Summit
Date: Thursday 21st February 2019
Time: Summit from 8:00am-5:30pm followed by Networking Drinks
Location: Melbourne CBD
Cost: $495 | ANDHealth Ecosystem Partners: $396 (Including
BioMelbourne Network, MTAA, MSIA and AusBiotech Members)

Join the Australian digital health community to hear from international and national industry leaders as they discuss learnings from the frontline, business models in digital health, tackling the US market, plus commercialisation and investment advice specific to digital health.

Our previous events have sold out and numbers are limited so register you and your team today.

Keynote Speaker: Lisa Suennen

Lead, Digital & Technology business and Lead, Manatt Ventures

We are delighted to welcome Lisa Suennen our international keynote speaker. Lisa Suennen has spent nearly 30 years as an entrepreneur, venture investor and advisor in the healthcare industry. Working as Senior Managing Director at GE Venture, leading the firms healthcare venture fund and is also Co-founder of C-Sweetener.

Current Program

8:00am – 8:30am Registration

8:30am – 8:45am Welcome Address

The Hon. Martin Pakula

Minister for Jobs, Innovation and Trade, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Minister for Racing

8:45am – 9:45am Keynote: Lisa Suennen– (Digital Technology Group & Lead Manatt Ventures)   ‘The Princess Bride Guide to Entrepreneurship In Digital Health’

Global leader in digital health investment, author, blogger, podcaster, and celebrated public speaker Lisa Suennen presents her insights on business success in digital health.

9:45am – 10:45 amDigital Pills |Big Pharma in the age of Digital Health

Representatives from multinational pharma companies explore how digital Health is changing the face of the pharmaceutical industry.

Moderator: Dr Anna Lavelle| Chair, ANDHealth | Chair, Medicines Australia
Steve Pask | Head of Business Development| Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Kate Porz | Portfolio Manager (Global Brands & Retail) | Pfizer
Jennifer Grech | Director of Commercial Excellence | AstraZeneca

10:45am – 11:15am Morning Tea

11:15am – 12:15pm Consumer Generated Health Data: Help or Hindrance
In a world of ubiquitous consumer wearables and smartphone health apps (which may or may not be accurate and reliable), just how useful is consumer-generated data in delivering evidence-based healthcare? This session will explore the tension between quantity and quality of data, and the roles of different types of data in delivering patient outcomes.Moderator: Kelly Constable | Director |ANDHealth
Michelle Gallaher | Co-Founder & Managing Director | The Social Science
Robert Grenfell | Director of Health & Biosecurity | CSIRO
Rachel De Sain | CEO, Lead Advisor | Codesain
Dr Uma Srinivasan |Senior Research Scientist | Digital Health CRC

12:15pm – 1:15pmBreaking Into The US Market. What Does It (Really) Take?
The US market is often the ultimate goal for digital health companies looking to go global (and investors who invest in them), but the road to US market success is littered with failures, challenges and shifting landscapes. Hear from Australian companies on the why and how of pursuing a US strategy.

Moderator: Lisa Suennen | Digital Technology Group & Lead | Manatt Ventures
Mark Heinemeyer |CEO |CNSDose
Stuart Ward | Founder, Director | Ward Medication Management
Peter Bradley | Vice President of Global Business Development| LBT Innovations
Michelle Goldsmith | Senior Vice President, Business Partnering & Strategy | Global   Kinetics Corporation

1:15pm – 2:15pm Networking Lunch

2:15pm – 3:10pm Digital Health: Who Pays? The challenges of creating a successful commercial model in digital health.
In an industry where Voice of Customer is often mistaken for Voice of User, hear from leading executives as to who will pay, why they pay and how to build a model that works.

Moderator: Phoebe Macleod | Head of Legal & Licensing |Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Adam Wardell | Head of Strategy, Innovation & Business Development |Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Sam Lanyon | Co-CEO and Co-founder | Planet Innovation
Dr Dishan Herath| Director of Cancer Services | Western Health

3:10pm-4:00pm Market Making In Digital Health

Disruptive technologies often have to “make” their own markets. Hear from Australian innovators looking to create market opportunities for homegrown innovation.

Moderator: Grace Lethlean | COO | ANDHealth
Raghav Murali-Ganesh | Co-Founder & President| CancerAid
Georgina Kenley | COO |Seer Medical
Michelle Perugini| CEO & Co-Founder | Life Whisperer
Michelle Goldsmith | Senior Vice President, Business Partnering & Strategy|  Global Kinetics Corporation

4:00pm-4:15pm Afternoon Tea
4:15pm – 5:30pm Appealing to Investors | How to Bridge the Gap Between Healthcare & Technology VC’s (and should you?)

Investment managers from across the national and international investment landscape discuss what factors might encourage them to step outside their traditional investment mandate to take a position in a digital health company.

Moderator: Bronwyn Le Grice | Managing Director & CEO| ANDHealth
Lisa Suennen | Digital Technology Group & Lead |Manatt Ventures
Jarred Shein | Investment Manager |Qure Ventures
Ingmar Wahlqvist | Investment Manager | Brandon Capital
Amanda Gillon | COO, Investments | BioScience Managers
Natasha Rawlings | Investment Manager | Uniseed

5:30pm – 7:00pm Please Join Us For Drinks And Networking

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