ANDHealth is delighted to see CEO Bronwyn Le Grice and Chief Product & Partnerships Officer Grace Lethlean recognised in the Australian Financial Review’s 2024 Women in Leadership list, two of just six health sector leaders recognised in this year’s list.

The Women in Leadership list, formerly the Women of Influence list, highlights the work and achievements of women working across corporate, government and non-profit sectors across Australia.

ANDHealth Chair, Gavin Fox-Smith, said: “On behalf of the Board, members and stakeholders, I would like to warmly congratulate Bronwyn and Grace on being recognised in today’s AFR Women in Leadership Awards.  At ANDHealth we are very proud to be a female-founded and female-led business.  We believe both Bronwyn and Grace are fantastic role models, not just for women in digital health, but indeed all women across health technology.”

“ANDHealth would also like to equally congratulate all of the award winners for the exceptional job they do in role modelling leadership in their respective roles,” Mr Fox-Smith said.

ANDHealth is one of the only female-founded innovation accelerators in Australia. Focusing on accelerating the commercialisation of evidence-based digital health technologies, its flagship programs have supported high-potential Australian startups to raise ~$200M and impact over 1.15 million patients. Within its pipeline of supported companies, 45% have a female Founder, demonstrating far higher levels of female leadership and participation than reported by the general start-up community of 27%.

ANDHealth CEO and Managing Director, Bronwyn Le Grice, said: “It has been a privilege to found and lead ANDHealth over the past eight years, and it is wonderful to be recognised in this list alongside Grace, who bravely joined me on the ANDHealth journey when all we had was a concept and some seed funding. As a mum to two girls, I believe these programs enable the next generation of women to see the immense opportunity that exists for their future and to aspire to new heights in their own careers.”

ANDHealth Chief Product and Partnerships Officer, Grace Lethlean, said: “It’s a huge honour to be recognised in the Women in Leadership list this year.  When I joined ANDHealth seven years ago, we had no idea that it would go on to have the impact that it does today. As an engineer, I have spent much of my career in male-dominated teams, and it has been fantastic to have been involved from day one in creating a company that empowers female entrepreneurs and leaders. I am deeply proud of the way that ANDHealth empowers women in leadership within the company and in the broader sector through attracting and supporting significant numbers of female innovators and executives.”

Finalists and winners were selected by the below judging panel of leading business figures and senior Financial Review editors:

• Marie Festa, CEO, Chief Executive Women

• Gail Kelly, former CEO of Westpac

• Patricia McKenzie, Chair of AGL Energy

• Guy Ford, MBA Program Director, University of Sydney Business Schools

• Kerri Elstub, Director of, Gender Equity Community co-chair and lead, Nine

• Cosima Marriner, Managing Editor, AFR

• Sally Patten, BOSS Editor, AFR

• James Thompson, Chanticleer Columnist, AFR.